Crystal Books
A full-color illustrated guide to co-creative alchemy with crystals and stones for personal and planetary healing and enlightenment - 2021 Coalition of Visionary Resources Gold Award - Reveals that those who love and work with crystals and stones have been intuitively following the path of spiritual alchemy - Provides meditative practices with specific stones to go with each stage of the alchemical transformation process as well as other tools and techniques - Includes an illustrated dictionary summarizing the spiritual qualities of more than 375 different minerals, crystals, and gemstones The Alchemy of Stones presents an inspired breakthrough in Robert Simmons' thirty-five year career of exploring and revealing the spiritual qualities and potentials of minerals, crystals, and gemstones. This holistic, Earth-based framework for understanding stones and their energies initiates readers into an alchemical worldview that leads to spiritual healing, transformation, and transcendence. Engaging readers step by step, Simmons provides guidance on discovering and harnessing the three human powers of intention, attention, and imagination, each a crucial component for meeting and working in harmony with the energies of the Stone Beings. Simmons also introduces us to the Divine Feminine intelligence known as Sophia, or Wisdom. The Stone Beings are her emissaries, and through relating and co-creating with them, the healing and redemption of ourselves and the Earth becomes a reality. Offering an illustrated dictionary of the spiritual qualities of more than 375 different minerals, crystals, and gemstones, Simmons also explores in depth what he calls the Four Cornerstones of the Alchemy of Stones: Moldavite, Phenacite, Azeztulite, and Rosophia. He discusses the stages of alchemical transformation and provides meditative practices with specific stones to go with each stage. He also explores how to work with stone mandalas, crystal body layouts, gemstone elixirs, and Orgonite energy devices and details powerful techniques for working with stones. Woven throughout are Simmons' personal stories of the pivotal mystical experiences that triggered his capacity to feel stone energies and led him to develop his relationship with the stones, revealing how this work can open minds and awaken hearts. Lavishly illustrated, The Alchemy of Stones is an invitation to a journey of enlightenment, transformation, and spiritual metamorphosis aligned with the path of our living, conscious Earth.
A full-color guide to the history, science, and spiritual uses of Moldavite - Shares the author's transformational discovery of the magic of Moldavite - Looks at Moldavite energy tools, how to combine Moldavite with other gemstones, and how to use Moldavite to transmit healing energy to people and places - Includes powerful Moldavite meditations and hundreds of photos, allowing you to attune to Moldavite's energy without even being in its direct presence Created from the cataclysmic impact of a huge meteorite, Moldavite is a gemstone that is neither heavenly nor earthly but something new that emerged from their union. Classed scientifically with tektites, these rare green celestial objects showered down over what is now the Czech Republic some 14.8 million years ago. In the mid-1980s, a series of synchronicities brought Moldavite into the hands of Robert Simmons, and he began sharing its powerful effects with the world. In this full-color guide, Simmons tells the story of his discovery of Moldavite's magic, weaving his knowledge of the stone's spiritual qualities together with scientific and historical data as well as channeled information. He explains how Neolithic peoples in Europe made Moldavite amulets and tools and how several Moldavite amulets were discovered in the same archaeological dig as the famous Venus of Willendorf, the earliest known Goddess figurine. The author describes his dramatic personal awakening and the surprising circumstances that brought Moldavite to the center of his life and career. He shares tales of crop circles and energy vortexes, his adventures in Moldavite country, and ET connections. Revealing how the science of Moldavite's origins resonates with ancient mystical legends, the author explores Moldavite's connections with the alchemical Emerald Tablet and the fabled Stone of the Holy Grail. He looks at Moldavite energy tools, including wands, pendulums, waters, essences, body layouts, and crystal grids. He explains how to use Moldavite in photonic layouts to transmit energy to people, places, and bodies of water in order to heal and revitalize them. He leads the reader through Moldavite meditations for expanding awareness, and his wife, Kathy, offers her insights into Moldavite's purpose and power and how we can align with it. Throughout the book are hundreds of full-color images of beautiful raw pieces, carvings, jewelry, and gems, allowing you to attune to Moldavite's energy without even being in its direct presence. Shining a light upon the starborn gem that unites spirit and matter, the author shows how Moldavite is--literally and figuratively--a joining of Heaven and Earth.
- Explores 455 crystals, minerals, gemstones, and their metaphysical energies, including vivid color photographs for each stone - For each stone, shares its scientific information, its element and chakra correspondences, its history, and its physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits - Includes guidance on how to work with crystals and stones and also explores the concept of crystal resonance Offering an illuminating alphabetical journey through the mineral kingdom, this comprehensive reference guide takes you deep into the world of crystals and their uses for spiritual awakening and self-healing. Exploring 455 gemstones and their metaphysical energies, the encyclopedia includes vivid color photographs for each stone to aid identification and showcase its beauty, as well as listing each gem's physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. The book begins with two introductory chapters by authors Naisha Ahsian and Robert Simmons detailing how to work with crystals and stones and exploring the concept of crystal resonance. Each stone entry includes the mineral name and photo, its elemental and chakra correspondences, keywords that indicate its properties, and a description of the crystal structure, hardness, history, and known locations of each mineral, plus any relevant legend or lore from the past. Each author then offers personal insights on the subtle energy properties and spiritual applications of the stone. The entries conclude with the spiritual, emotional, and physical healing qualities of the stone and an affirmation for evoking its potential benefits. This edition also includes an index of the stones' healing and energetic properties, making it easy to find the stone best suited to your needs.
This third volume of the bestselling Crystal Bible presents more than 250 new generation, high-vibration stones for healing and transformation. Included are many rare minerals whose esoteric properties are not described elsewhere. This essential guide also includes a section on crystal skulls, crystal beings, Madagascan stones, and how to work with the "new" chakras, such as the Soul Star and Manifestation chakras, that are stimulated by the powerful crystals featured.
A comprehensive and beautifully illustrated guide to crystals, The Crystal Bible is the perfect gift for a beginner or experienced crystal enthusiast. Find a known crystal instantly or identify an unknown crystal in this easy-to-follow directory, featuring over 150 crystals. It includes:
- Photos of over 200 crystals, many in both raw and polished forms
- Detailed descriptions of each stone's colors and appearances
- Individual properties of each crystal, to help improve your health, heal your body, and stabilize your energy The Crystal Bible also includes introductions to chakras, auras, crystal grids, and more, providing the basic knowledge needed to use crystals effectively and serving as a quick reference for those with more crystal healing experience.
- Photos of over 200 crystals, many in both raw and polished forms
- Detailed descriptions of each stone's colors and appearances
- Individual properties of each crystal, to help improve your health, heal your body, and stabilize your energy The Crystal Bible also includes introductions to chakras, auras, crystal grids, and more, providing the basic knowledge needed to use crystals effectively and serving as a quick reference for those with more crystal healing experience.
- Details the spiritual, healing, and energetic qualities of stones such as Moldavite, Nuummite, Circle Stones, Nirvana Quartz from the Himalayas, and high-vibrational Natrolite from the emerald mines of Russia - Features color photos of exceptional examples of each of the stones - Includes practices for deepening one's awareness of the stones' gifts--from expanding consciousness, to healing, to awakening the Light Body, to fulfilling one's personal and collective destiny In Stones of the New Consciousness Robert Simmons examines the 62 most important stones to help accelerate and enhance conscious evolution and spiritual awakening. Each entry is illustrated with color photos of exceptional examples. The stones include Moldavite, the extraterrestrial amorphous crystal; Nuummite, the oldest gemstone on Earth; and Circle Stones, the highly energetic Flint found in crop circle formations. Other featured rarities include Nirvana Quartz from the Himalayas and high-vibrational Natrolite from the emerald mines of Russia. Simmons begins with a new approach to meditation with stones and to the possibility of conscious relationship with the spiritual beings who express themselves in our world as crystals and minerals. He includes historical and mythological references for each stone, positing that the fabled Stone of the Holy Grail and the Philosopher's Stone of the alchemists may have physical counterparts among the minerals discussed. Simmons presents practices for deepening one's awareness of the stones' gifts--from expanding one's consciousness, to healing, to awakening the Light Body, to fulfilling one's personal and collective destiny. While emphasizing direct contact with stones, the book also explores crystal energy tools, energy environments, and applications such as stone elixirs and essences that can aid anyone on a spiritual path.