Herbs, Incense and Sage
These bath salts have been specifically crafted and charged to use within a ritual bath, heightening your connection with the element of Air for your ritual magic.
Magical Use: Used in Protection rites & good psychic power-stimulator. Burn as incense or carry in a sachet.
Folk Name(s): Marchmallow, Mortification Root, Seet Weed, Wymote, Meemst, Slaz
Gender: Feminie
Element: Water
*Not intended for internal consumption*
3x4 packed herb by Natalie Lynn
A fragrance used to invoke the warming properties of Fire. Lightly sweet and smooth, this fragrance's magical properties are strength, courage, protection, success, and optimism.
16 sticks of premium incense sticks. Cruelty free. Sold as a curio only, no magical effects are guaranteed.