A fragrance used to invoke the warming properties of Fire. Lightly sweet and smooth, this fragrance's magical properties are strength, courage, protection, success, and optimism.
16 sticks of premium incense sticks. Cruelty free. Sold as a curio only, no magical effects are guaranteed.
An energizing, bright fragrance. Magical properties: White Light Illuminations, intuition, purity, mystic knowledge.
16 sticks of premium incense sticks. Cruelty free. Sold as a curio only, no magical effects are guaranteed.
Resin incense for use with charcoal tablets. A blend of precious woods and spices: sandalwood, aloeswood, Tibetan cedar, star anise, and camphor. 10 grams per bag.
Cinnamon Pure Nature Nature Incense Sticks
Botanical name - CINNAMOMUM ZEYLANCIUM. This incense is energizing & invigorating, stimulating & warming. All Nature Nature sticks are 10 inches long & are made with pure resins, botanicals & essential oils. 10 sticks per pack. Handmade in the USA.
Divine Rose Resin Nature Nature Incense Sticks
Botanical name - ROSA CENTIFOLIA. Aromatic benefits include balancing, warming, uplifting. Magical benefits include health, love, luck, creativity, psychic awareness. All Nature Nature sticks are 10 inches long & are made with pure resins, botanicals & essential oils. 10 sticks per pack. Handmade in the USA.
A sweet and energizing fragrance, with a hint of ginger. Magical properties: Dreams and Visions, astral travel, clairvoyance, prophesies.
16 sticks of premium incense sticks. Cruelty free
A zingy, energizing fragrance that's sure to get you moving. Magical properties: invigorating, nourishing, stimulating, vitality.
16 sticks of premium incense sticks. Cruelty free